The Garden

The Garden
The Garden                 (click image for full view)

A simple start toward an optimal form for the periodic table would incorporate periodicity in its simplest form which is a circular calendar.  Then, it would require that it correlate with an established time model. If it doesn’t, then either the table or the model is incorrect.  The alignment would have to follow some sort of geometric pattern. It must be complete, unbroken, holistic, and easy for a child to learn.  It should be aesthetically pleasing.

The Garden fulfills all of these criteria and more. It also displays the four basic elemental forms broken into a four quadrant toroidal doughnut with each quadrant independently following the fibonacci sequence from the center outward. This would not be possible were it not for the fortuitous discovery that 84 was the number of primordial elements. The four outside “decans” or elements are displayed as separate in all systems.  When complete, The Garden also takes on the shape of both a labyrinth, and the universal symbol for Seed.

Here’s the kicker. The elements do not simply correlate with the other systems, but in fact perfectly match them in function, personality and order. It all just kinda happened. I didn’t set out to find the optimal form, I just simply used what was natural. It is easily expandable by simply detailing decay chains on a blown up view of the primordial source.

Below are the sources and easy to use chart for research.


Correlation of Sacred Time Keeping Systems and the Periodic Table of Elements

Chart Sources List – Using the sources links will help to view and follow the Chart below.

Periodic Table of Elements – The large table partway down the page HERE enables a person to click on the elements individually. They were correlated with these systems using function primarily, but also unique characteristics numerous in variety. If even one is moved it would throw off the entire set.


 I- Ching – The translation choice is important, just as with the numerous choices of interpretations of many of these systems. The Legge translation on Sacred HERE is the one which universally fits the best. It also has very good commentary under the main line descriptions. There is room for improvement but the Chinese have kept good records.


 Quiche Maya Day Descriptions – Two sources are used. Saq’be HERE and Artstrology HERE.


The source on Saq’be is very good, and the descriptions on Artstrology were written down word for word as best I could while being given the descriptions orally through a translator. Don Simeon Takira under request by Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj and translated by Elizabeth Araujo. I have found both sources to be necessary for full understanding. I believe the Decans were recorded by the Maya as well, but as of yet, I have not seen a published set of 36. The 20 days are irrefutably the worlds most valuable set of periodic knowledge.


 Hindu Decans – The images on Artstrology HERE with descriptions were obtained from a book only available in german. Das Indiche Horoskop, by Marlene Kruger. They correlate very well with the Dendera Zodiac of Egypt.


 The Zodiac is kind of universal. There are too many sources all with their own faults and truths.


 36 Views of Mt Fuji by Hakusai – The drawings by Hakusai are beautiful and informative. They provide indispensable proof of the alignments and cross correlations. HERE


10 Additional Views of Mt Fuji by Hakusai – (below the 36) The additional 10 pair the days or hexagrams together nicely. Each drawing is 2 days or hexagrams. # 1 is Batz and E, hexagrams 1and 2 etc. It is common knowledge that the hexagrams work in pairs in the I-Ching system. This is not to say that it is my view that Hakusai worked from the hexagrams due to the non correlating orders. HERE


 Genesis – The information gleened by the correlation leaves no doubts as to the meanings of the stories and the obvious insertions of various things will appear to the trained eye. Things that exist where they don’t belong. The chapters correlate with the Trecenas, Days and Decans. I used the KJV version HERE.


Example: Chapter 3 is Ajpu trecena and begins 1 Ajpu, 2 Imox, etc. In the same chapter is the Decans woven into it. The I-Ching info and Maya info is embedded ver batim. Brings big questions and big answers.


 Rider-Waite Tarot by Pamela Coleman Smith Radiant Version – Correlated using the pictures ONLY. By far the least valuable system. The artwork is quite good and correlates well. The names of the images are lacking for the most part, but a decent intuitive work by a woman who was constrained by having to use the various symbols such as swords and wands. They obviously made the work difficult, but the result is easy to correlate and has some value. HERE


     Due to the cyclical and periodic nature of the 84 primordial elements, it is natural and fitting that they would in fact precisely correlate with the primordial time keeping systems of multiple cultures.

      There is a concensus among the Spiritual Elders of these cultures, that indeed the information contained in the various systems listed were derived from a single source.


 Time is, at its purest form of understanding, fluctuations of energies, and the periodicity associated with such fluctuations. The individual elements of time are easily defined and meticulously identified by multiple techniques , all of which adhere to the scientific process.


 Quotes from Periodic Table Wiki Page :

 Optimal form

   The many different forms of periodic table have prompted the question of whether there is an optimal or definitive form of periodic table. The answer to this question is thought to depend on whether the chemical periodicity seen to occur among the elements has an underlying truth, effectively hard-wired into the universe, or if any such periodicity is instead the product of subjective human interpretation, contingent upon the circumstances, beliefs and predilections of human observers. An objective basis for chemical periodicity would settle the questions about the location of hydrogen and helium, and the composition of group 3. Such an underlying truth, if it exists, is thought to have not yet been discovered. In its absence, the many different forms of periodic table can be regarded as variations on the theme of chemical periodicity, each of which explores and emphasizes different aspects, properties, perspectives and relationships of and among the elements. The ubiquity of the standard or medium-long periodic table is thought to be a result of this layout having a good balance of features in terms of ease of construction and size, and its depiction of atomic order and periodic trends.”

“A total of 98 elements occur naturally; the remaining 16 elements, from einsteinium to copernicium, and flerovium and livermorium, occur only when synthesised in laboratories. Of the 98 elements that occur naturally, 84 are primordial. The other 14 elements occur only in decay chains of primordial elements “

 Here it is. 84 Total Periodicity Harmonized


Elements I- Ching Maya Hindu Zodiac Hakusai Genesis Tarot
Hydrogen # 21 Ax 1 aries 1 of 36 Ch – 1 10 wands
Helium # 22 Horse 2 aries 2 Ch – 2 9 wands
Lithium # 23 Driver 3 aries 3 Ch – 3 8 wands
Beryllium # 24 Fire 1 taurus 4 Ch – 4 7 stars
Boron # 25 Goat 2 taurus 5 Ch – 5 6 stars
Carbon # 26 Elephant 3 taurus 6 Ch – 6 5 stars
Nitrogen # 27 Jewel 1 gemini 7 Ch – 7 4 swords
Oxygen # 28 Thread 2 gemini 8 Ch – 8 3 swords
Flourine # 29 Pheonix 3 gemini 9 Ch – 9 2 swords
Neon # 30 Boar 1 homarus 10 Ch – 10 10 cups
Sodium # 31 Snake 2 homarus 11 Ch – 11 9 cups
Magnesium # 32 Turtle 3 homarus 12 Ch – 12 8 cups
Aluminum # 33 Hunter 2 leo 13 Ch – 13 6 wands
Silicon # 34 Bear 3 leo 14 Ch – 14 5 wands
Phosphorous # 35 Virgin 1 virgo 15 Ch – 15 4 stars
Sulfur # 36 Quill 2 virgo 16 Ch – 16 3 stars
Chlorine # 37 Swallow 3 virgo 17 Ch – 17 2 stars
Argon # 38 Scales 1 libra 18 Ch – 18 10 swords
Potassium # 40 Monkey 3 libra 19 Ch – 19 8 swords
Calcium # 41 Dolphin 1 scorpio 20 Ch – 20 7 cups
Scandium # 42 Tower 2 scorpio 21 Ch – 21 6 cups
Titanium # 43 Lion 3 scorpio 22 Ch – 22 5 cups
Vanadium # 44 Hermit 1 sagittarius 23 Ch – 23 4 wands
Chromium # 45 Oyster 2 sagittarius 24 Ch – 24 3 wands
Manganese # 46 Metal 3 sagittarius 25 Ch – 25 2 wands
Iron # 47 Rope 1 capricorn 26 Ch – 26 10 stars
Cobalt # 48 Lotus 2 capricorn 27 Ch – 27 9 stars
Nickel # 49 Archer 3 capricorn 28 Ch – 28 8 stars
Copper # 50 Vulture 1 aquarius 29 Ch – 29 7 swords
Zinc # 51 Water 3 aquarius 30 Ch – 30 5 swords
Gallium # 52 Pearl 1 pisces 31 Ch – 31 4 cups
Germanium # 53 Ship 2 pisces 32 Ch – 32 3 cups
Arsenic # 56 Yogi 3 pisces 35 Ch – 35 2 cups
Selenium # 55 Jackal 1 leo 36 Ch – 36 7 wands
Bromine # 39 Falcon 2 libra 33 Ch – 33 9 swords
Krypton # 54 Wagon 2 aquarius 34 Ch – 34 6 swords
Rubidium Aries King wands
Strontium Taurus Queen stars
Yttrium Gemini Knight swords
Zirconium Homarus King cups
Niobium Leo Queen wands
Molybdenum Virgo Knight stars
Ruthenium Libra King swords
Rhodium Scorpio Queen cups
Palladium Sagittarius Knight wands
Silver Capricorn King stars
Cadmium Aquarius Queen swords
Indium Pisces Knight cups
Tin # 1 Batz 1 of 10 Ch – 10, 30, 50 Magician
Antimony # 2 E 1 7, 27, 47 Priestess
Tellerium # 3 Aj 2 of 10 4, 24, 44 Empress
Iodine # 4 Ix 2 1, 21, 41 Emperor
Xenon # 5 Tzi’kin 3 18, 38 Hierophant
Caesium # 6 Ajmaq 3 15, 35 Lovers
Barium # 7 Noj 4 12, 32 Chariot
Lanthanum # 8 Tijax 4 9, 29, 49 Strength
Cerium # 9 Kawoq 5 6, 26, 46 Hermit
Praseodymium # 10 Ajpu 5 3, 23, 43 Wheel of Fortune
Neodymium # 11 Imox 6 20, 40 Justice
Samarium # 12 Iq 6 17, 37 Hanged Man
Europium # 13 Aqabal 7 14, 34 Death
Gadolinium # 14 Kat 7 11, 31 Temperance
Terbium # 15 Kan 8 8, 28, 48 Devil
Dysprosium # 16 Kame 8 5, 25, 45 Tower
Holmium # 17 Kej 9 2, 22, 42 Star
Erbium # 18 Qanil 9 19, 39 Moon
Thulium # 19 Toj 10 16, 36 Sun
Ytterbium # 20 Tzi 10 13, 33 Judgement
Lutetium # 57 Bull World
Halfnium # 58 Bull “”
Tantalum # 59 Lion “”
Tungsten # 60 Lion “”
Rhenium # 61 Man “”
Osmium # 62 Man “”
Iridium # 63 Eagle “”
Platinum # 64 Eagle “”
Gold Winter
Mercury Fall
Thallium Summer
Lead Spring
Bismuth Earth Ace stars
Thorium Fire Ace wands
Uranium Water Ace cups
Plutonium Air Ace swords



Evidence for unified field, periodic table, time, shape, calendars