what was the outcome of the mexican revolution weegy

Score 1. At the same time, America's economic engine was fueled by King Cotton. began to take the side of the conservatives. No matter the size they all had a effect. The Reconstruction Era was not a peaceful time, there were a large number of people that tried to take advantage of the weakened South. america after the revolutionary war FAQwhat happened land america after the revolutionary war adminSend emailNovember 29, 2021 minutes read You are watching what happened land america after the revolutionary war Lisbdnet.comContents1. #1 Majority of the existing Great Wall of China was built in the Ming era. Originating in Europe, the divine-right theory can be traced to the medieval conception of God's award of temporal power to . Chaos and Confusion South of the Border: The Mexican Revolution. This webpage from The West website offers background information on Fletcher and excerpts of a journal kept by her companion, illustrating by example the good intentions . It ended dictatorship in Mexico and established a constitutional republic, was the outcome of the Mexican revolution. Popular sovereignty in 19 th century America emerged as a compromise strategy for determining whether a Western territory would permit or prohibit slavery. In August 1918, a more virulent strain of the Spanish flu was documented in France, Sierra Leone and the U.S. During his landmark 1998 visit to Cuba, he criticized the island's legalized abortion policies. Other observers, while acknowledging the role of the South, have noted that Mexico's hold on their northern provinces was . The rapidity and timing of that dramatic change were the result of a combination of long . The Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia in the summer of 1775, shortly after the war with the British had begun. While many Americans could boast of great progress in the years after the War of . In this article, we focus on the effect of smallpox on the Native Americans from the 15th through the 19th centuries. Weegy: Open for trade (Urban centers grew, trade flourished, and peace existed) best characterizes Japan during the Tokugawa Shogunate.User: The Empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time.Weegy: The Roman empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time.User: 11. The Great Depression also hit Latin America, which, during this time, had strong . The election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860 was perhaps the most significant election in American history. User: Which nation strongly wanted to punish Germany in the treaty of Versallies. The revolutions of the American Colonies, France and Latin America had a common thread in that they wanted free from rule by a corrupt government. On this page, we have gathered for you the most accurate and comprehensive information that will fully answer the question: Who were the heroes of the cultural revolution? What was one economic effect of the Spanish-American War? The French wanted nothing to do with their former government and . 4. Alas, King Cotton could not have become the behemoth it did without the institution of race-based slavery. Key Points. #3 Ming period saw great development in printing. A student once told a history professor that "history is a nightmare from which I can never wake up." If there is ever a section or time period of history that fits this description, it is the Mexican Revolution. One example of this tax was on Tea. This event is known as the Russian Revolution (or the Bolshevik / October Revolution). What was a goal of the Bolshevik party in Russia in 1917. In Latin America Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín liberated the majority of South America. Asked by wiki @ 27/10/2021 in History viewed by 170 persons. Original conversation. The biggest result was the end to Slavery. Introduction. What was the outcome of the Mexican Revolution? By 1878 the United States had reentered a period of prosperity after the long depression of the mid-1870s. After the revolution, Lenin created free education . The Great Depression was felt in economies all around the world. this is the correct answer, just took the pf test. The Wilmot Proviso was designed to eliminate slavery within the land acquired as a result of the Mexican War (1846-48). Who were the heroes of the cultural revolution? User: What was the outcome of the Mexican revolution. "Ultimately, the Mexican Revolution was successful in creating a constitutional republic." hope this helps!! The U.S. army fought their way overland into Mexico from California, Texas, and eventually from Veracruz straight to the capitol. First promoted in the 1840s in response to debates over western expansion, popular sovereignty argued that in a democracy, residents of a territory, and not the federal government, should be allowed to decide on slavery within their borders. Log in for more information. The revolutions of the American Colonies, France and Latin America had a common thread in that they wanted free from rule by a corrupt government. One of the biggest outcomes of the mexican war of independence was that it established a new power (Mexico), which would the start another war known as the Mexican American war. The American and French Revolutions were directly inspired by Enlightenment ideals and respectively marked the peak of its influence and the beginning of its decline. The Cultural Revolution was launched in China in 1966 by Communist leader Mao Zedong in order to reassert his authority over the Chinese government. The Mexican-American War was an embarrassment for Mexico and a goldmine for the United States, literally. A period of political recrimination and instability followed in Mexican domestic affairs. group btn .search submit, .navbar default .navbar nav .current menu item after, .widget .widget title after, .comment form .form submit input type submit .calendar . Score 1. Terms in this set (140) As a result of the violent revolts in France in July 1830, Charles X. gave up the throne and fled for Great Britain. Among the "new" infectious diseases brought by the Europeans, smallpox was one of the most feared because of the high mortality rates in infected Native Americans. A more accurate index to the scope of this industrial advance may be found in the aggregate annual value of all . This is also a negative effect because communism replaces czarist rule. User: What was the outcome of the Mexican revolution. Weegy: It ended dictatorship in Mexico and established a constitutional republic, was the outcome of the Mexican revolution. Causes of the . This disadvantage hit central and eastern Europe especially hard, inasmuch as around 70 percent of its workforce relied on the land to earn a living. The causes of the Spanish-American War were that the US wanted to expand its empire, wanted to maintain control in the western hemisphere, and was fueling anti-Spanish sentiments. The principles expounded by the revolutionaries in Europe and their political success in . Score 1. Between 1808 and 1826 all of Latin America except the Spanish colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico slipped out of the hands of the Iberian powers who had ruled the region since the conquest. Weegy: It ended dictatorship in Mexico and established a constitutional republic, was the outcome of the Mexican revolution. After three centuries of colonial rule, independence came rather suddenly to most of Spanish and Portuguese America. - 20482311 treycalloway200 treycalloway200 01/07/2021 History College answered . Pope John Paul II was a leader in the pro-life movement. The French wanted nothing to do with their former government and . Nonetheless, liberal, republican, and antimonarchist ideas, which would underpin the full-scale wars of independence in the early nineteenth century, were gaining ground by the end of the eighteenth century. #4 The most comprehensive book on traditional Chinese medicine was written. Within days, the important port of Veracruz was blockaded by the U.S. navy. All these appeared as a result of the build up of indepth . The American Revolution (1775-1783) and the Latin American Wars of Independence (1808-1826) led to independence for most of the Western Hemisphere. The Empire was very populous, containing more than . The mexican war of independence had many outcome some big some small. The time period directly after the Civil War was known as the Reconstruction, a time marked by turmoil, violence and a lot of conflict and controversy. The Million Heroes, whose slogans were also broadly "revolutionary" in tone, were mainly . This fear may have been well-founded, because the Native . Within days, the important port of Veracruz was blockaded by the U.S. navy. Prior to the American industrial revolution, most Americans were reared in largely isolated agricultural households and small towns that were linked to the . The Causes of Major Revolutions: Latin American Revolutions: 1. Within the span of a few decades from the late 19 th to the early 20 th century, the United States was transformed from a predominately rural agrarian society to an industrial economy centered in large metropolitan cities. Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 12. On this page, we have gathered for you the most accurate and comprehensive information that will fully answer the question: Who were the heroes of the cultural revolution? Many historians have regarded the Mexican War as an ignoble exercise of power fueled by the Southern slaveowners' expansionist needs. The Mexican constitution was an important outcome of the Mexican Revolution. Overview. #2 Seven epic voyages were led by the great Chinese admiral Zheng He. The U.S. in the War . In the years after the War of 1812, new states north and south entered the Union. The Colonies in America wanted free from under British rule but wanted to keep the laws and traditions they had acquired from England. Who were the heroes of the cultural revolution? In the War of 1812, the United States took on the greatest naval power in the world, Great Britain, in a conflict that would have an immense impact on the young country's future. The French Revolution was a watershed event in world history that lasted from 1789 to 1799.Among other things, it saw the French abolishing feudalism; beheading their monarch; changing their form of government from a monarchy to a republic; forming a constitution based on the principle of equality and freedom; and becoming the first state to grant universal male suffrage. Jun 7, 2019. In the ensuing 20 years the volume of industrial production, the number of workers employed in industry, and the number of manufacturing plants all more than doubled. Score 1 User: Who was the leader of the bolsheviks Weegy: The leader of the Bolsheviks was Vladimir Lenin. Looking for an answer to the question: Who were the heroes of the cultural revolution? The Mexican-American War was an embarrassment for Mexico and a goldmine for the United States, literally. It brought Lincoln to power at a time of great national crisis, as the country was coming apart over the issue of enslavement. It was preceded by the First Continental Congress in the fall of 1774. Weegy: When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot to death was the spark that ignited World War I. Click to see full answer. Spread of Liberalism. 1. It's July Fourth weekend — a time that many Americans dedicate to celebrating democracy and the birth of the United States. The more immediate origins of the wars of independence in Latin America are usually traced to the 1807 alliance between the Spanish crown . For example, Germany was particularly hard hit. This . Looking for an answer to the question: Who were the heroes of the cultural revolution? The Million Heroes, whose slogans were also broadly "revolutionary" in tone, were mainly . User: Which event was the spark that started world war 1. That land now makes up the states of California, Utah and Nevada, as well as parts of Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico and Arizona. The fighting eventually subsided in 1920. The result of the Mexican American War was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848, which stated that Mexico had to give up land to the United States, including Texas. The American Revolution officially comes to an end when representatives of the United States, Great Britain, Spain and France sign the Treaty of Paris, signifying America's status as a free nation. What was the outcome of the Mexican revolution? the outcome, then, of a basic polarization between the rival values of tradition and modernity; between, on the one hand, family, clan, pueblos, haciendas and . By the time the war drew to a close, Spanish colonial rule in the New World had come to an end, and the United States controlled strategically significant lands. At least four major syntheses of the Mexican Revolution of 1910 have been published recently. The war originated in the Cuban struggle for independence from Spain. The goal of rebellion in Mexico was to overthrow the oppressive oligarchy, similar to Russia's goals. ∙ 2015-04-07 18:29:43. Question and answer. One positive outcome is that the czarist rule comes to an end and gives say to the workers and peasants. In the 1960s, there was no federal law . That year, a German submarine (or U-Boat) sank the British luxury steamer, Lusitania, which carried 128 Americans.Germany had already been violating American neutral rights; the United States, as a neutral in the war, wanted to trade with all . Read More. Indeed, during the discombobulating years from 1911 through 1940 . The Colonies in America wanted free from under British rule but wanted to keep the laws and traditions they had acquired from England. By 1910, Mexicans had been oppressed by an oligarchic rule that left farmers with little land and disgruntled workers. Locke and Rousseau believed the role of government should _______ the will of the people. Original: Dec 3, 2009. During this period of time, Russia's traditional monarchy and Tsarist system was abolished and replaced . Wiki User. New research suggests this strain was essentially created in the trenches of World . It is said that in the next 24 weeks the flu killed more people than AIDS killed in 24 years and the Black Death (bubonic plague) killed in a century. Jun 7, 2019. Around the time of the French Revolution the church was the dominate force in France. issued a proclamation supporting democracy. Roe v. Wade and Its Impact. Log in for more information. The revolution forced Nicholas II to resign and transformed the Russian Empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) or the Soviet Union. Regimental headquarters consisted of a colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, adjutant, quartermaster, surgeon (with rank of major), two assistant surgeons, a chaplain, sergeant major, quartermaster sergeant, commissary sergeant, hospital steward, and two principal musicians. However, the outcome of the Mexican Revolution was very different than Russia's, ending in peace, justice, and democracy. No topic related to the feminist movement has aroused such passion and controversy as much as the right to an abortion. Other outcomes were that they gained their independence . The peace treaties negotiated between 1919 and 1923 added to the challenge of effecting economic stability in this part of Europe. What describes an important outcome of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor during World War 2. The Congress appointed George Washington as commander of the Continental Army, and authorized the raising of the army through conscription. group btn .search submit, .navbar default .navbar nav .current menu item after, .widget .widget title after, .comment form .form submit input type submit .calendar . divine right of kings, in European history, a political doctrine in defense of monarchical absolutism, which asserted that kings derived their authority from God and could not therefore be held accountable for their actions by any earthly authority such as a parliament. Soon after the war began, President . Although both were wars for liberation from . The Enlightenment was a period of rationalization and understanding, and in many ways contributed to the birth of the French Revolution. However, the outcome of the Mexican Revolution was very different than Russia's, ending in peace, justice, and democracy. An important result of the Mexican Revolution was the enactment and adoption of the Mexican Constitution of 1917. List covering some of the major causes and effects of the Spanish-American War. Expert answered| destle6 |Points 19599|. The electoral win by Lincoln, the candidate of the anti-enslavement Republican Party, prompted the states . Score 1 User: What was Hitler's goal with his policies and propaganda User: What was the outcome of the Mexican Revolution Weegy: It ended dictatorship in Mexico and established a constitutional republic, was the outcome of the Mexican revolution. The treaty also established the national border of Mexico at the Rio Grande River. The revolution marked the end of the dictatorship-like rule started by Porfirio Diaz, and the beginning of a more . Some effects of . The infantry regiment was the basic administrative and tactical unit of the Civil War armies. The revolutionary fervor of the 18th century, influenced by Enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality, resulted in massive political upheaval across the world, starting with the American Revolution in 1776 and the French Revolution in 1789. Select one: A-The United States gained direct access to additional natural resources and overseas markets B-Shipbuilding industries in the United States …. The United States did not enter World War I until April 1917 but its list of grievances against warring Europe dated back to 1915. 10 Major Achievements of the Ming Dynasty of China. That being said, often times the church would offer explanations to many events as acts of God. Soon after the war began, President . By 1910, Mexicans had been oppressed by an oligarchic rule that left farmers with little land and disgruntled workers. Positive: The Russian Revolution of 1917 had many negative outcomes, but it also had some positive outcomes. The goal of rebellion in Mexico was to overthrow the oppressive oligarchy, similar to Russia's goals. With the French Revolution came the democratic state which included secularism, rights to freedom of speech, religion, rights to women, redistribution of property, and the abolition of hereditary privileges. The Enlightenment ultimately gave way to 19th-century Romanticism. The Outcome of Our Earnest Endeavors Special Agent Alice Fletcher sincerely believed turning native Americans into individual landowners was in everyone's best interests. What was one economic effect of the spanish american war. All these appeared as a result of the Mexican revolution? < /a > were! Latin America, Which, during the discombobulating years from 1911 through 1940 also! Because communism replaces czarist rule build up of indepth controversy as much as the country was coming apart the... Slavery within the land acquired as a result of the dictatorship-like rule started by Porfirio,. 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